DIR® is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Stanley Greenspan and Dr. Serena Wieder as a framework for understanding and treating children of all abilities and ages. Through this model we strive to facilitate the child’s foundational building blocks of relating, communicating, and thinking.

DIR® stands for Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship-based approach. These components are inter-woven and embedded throughout each interaction with the child, while working toward reaching their developmental goals.

We evaluate and support the child’s Developmental capacities, as measured by performance within particular functional/emotional milestones, and search for the optimal path to support her, taking into account that development does not unfold in a linear fashion.

We seek to understand and expand on the Individualized ways motor, sensory, and affective capacities, as well as medical and biological challenges, are expressed, and how they impact the unique way a child is interacting with her environment and her capacity to learn and grow through these experiences.

We explore and utilize the Relational context, since it is the most natural and meaningful environment where Development thrives, and offers the most integrated therapeutic experiences for the child’s Individual nervous system, through interactions with care-takers, peers, and ourselves.