School Support

Our clinical team can provide a broad range of support for your child in their school-based experience. 

Building a Home-School Program

We can help guide the development of a well-balanced daily home-school routine that is both manageable and sustainable for children and their caregivers, including opportunities for gross motor, tabletop, and self-care skills. These sessions are held with one of our team’s occupational therapists.

Support the Supporter

If children have aides/babysitters to support their virtual or home-school learning, our team can consult with these important supporters to facilitate the experience for the child. Clinicians will help the aide to develop practical and readily accessible strategies to support a range of experiences: tabletop/fine motor, organizational/motor planning, self-care, and social interaction. These sessions can be held with one of our team’s occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, or mental-health counselors.

Teacher Consultations

Our clinicians are available to consult directly with your child’s classroom teachers and support staff. Clinical recommendations are offered to best support your child’s individual needs in the school environment. This includes helping teachers to develop strategies to support individual children in direct, remote, and hybrid learning environments. Our clinicians can consult with staff in a variety of areas, including: how to establish a sense of safety through relationships and routines in the classroom during the fall re-entry; how to structure optimal work/break schedules for students learning at home; how to adapt synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities for children with individual needs; and how to foster carryover of skills as children shift back and forth between direct and remote learning settings.

School-Based Therapeutic Activities

Occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists are available to provide individualized, developmentally informed sessions focusing on typical school-based therapeutic activities.

  • Occupational Therapy sessions can help a child in their development of fine motor and visual motor skills, including essential activities such as handwriting and keyboarding, as well as supporting the child in fundamentals of posture and bilateral integration during tabletop activities. Additionally, an Occupational Therapist can provide support for organization and sequencing for engagement in school activities and projects. 

  • Speech Therapy aims to support a child in their ability to access language-based curriculum with generalizable strategies for organizing school and homework, facilitating comprehension, organizing expressive language, both written and oral, and supporting the development of written language in all stages, from early phonological awareness to comprehension of longer, more complex texts. We can also support families with implementing visual supports for the home-school schedule, receptive language, and transitions.