Each of our therapists holds their own professional expertise. Our uniqueness lies in the close collaboration we form and sustain throughout the whole therapeutic process to support our clients’, as well as their families’ needs.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy helps children develop the underlying foundations needed for: play, socialization, learning, and participation in daily living skills. Our occupational therapists use meaningful and motivating experiences as vehicles to facilitate the development of sensory processing capacities, postural and motor-planning abilities, visual-motor skills, and social-emotional growth. An important aspect of our assessment and treatment is a child’s functional performance across different environments.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy addresses a wide range of children’s communicative needs in order to promote effective and functional interactions across multiple environments and communication partners. Our speech-language pathologists assess and treat: expressive and receptive language skills, social-pragmatic language, articulation, oral-motor development, feeding and swallowing challenges, fluency disorders, auditory processing and language processing difficulties, phonological disorders, and pre-reading and literacy.

Mental Health Counseling

Part of our approach is recognizing that the child’s emotional and mental health needs are as important as any other facet of their development. When facing any developmental challenge, it is natural for the child to experience anxiety, worry, confusion and frustration. Our clinic offers mental health counseling for gaining emotional regulation, and social problem solving skills, in order to foster their confidence, self agency and positive relationships with others.

Music Therapy

It is well known that music is inherently organizing, soothing and engaging. Implementing the elements of music (pulse, predictable rhythmic patterns, and open ended structure) elicits synchrony between the child and the other. Shared music making also promotes sustained joined attention and engagement, and offers a safe space for shared expression. There is a growing research body on the positive impact of music for all stages of development; including attention and attachment, fine and gross motor skills, and reciprocal communication. The most important function of music, however, is that it can make potentially challenging tasks, pleasurable.


Each In-Tune clinician offers as-needed consultation with your child’s other clinicians or educational setting; over the phone or in-person. This service provides general education around the DIR model, as well as in-depth analysis of the child’s goals and treatment plan.

In-School Treatment

Depending on your child’s school’s policy it may be possible for us to work with your child in their day-care or classroom. This is a wonderful opportunity to support your child’s goals, such as real-time processing of social problem-solving as well as academics, in his/her natural setting.